
Play-Arp is an online church-organ, which I programmed for With Play-Arp you have the worldwide unique opportunity to play one of the internationally most valuable and most beautiful baroque organs. Many organ fans and experts pilgrimage to Hamburg to … Read More


4-channel electro-acoustic tape music The “Omega Projekt” was initiated by theatre author and director Dr. Michael Huber. He wrote a fascinating and associative theatre play about Pierre Teilhard de Chardin. The first part “Das Herz der Materie” was permiered in … Read More

Black Out Software for Alexander Schubert

‘Black Out Software’ was made for Alexander Schubert. It allows everyone (who owns a Mac or Max/MSP) to produce a score like Alexander Schuberts ‘Black Out BRD’. A midifile which is fed into the application, is kind of reversed, so … Read More

violin sidetracks – 3 minutes trailer

A short trailer for violin sidetracks for violin solo with kinect, lights and live-electronics. The base material for this video was kindly recorded at klingt gut! festival, Hamburg, 2016 by Bianca Peruzzi.

violin sidetracks (version 2016)

Revised version June 2016, video recording of a rehearsal session. for violin, laptop, kinect camera and 5 DMX controled LED floodlights “violin sidetracks” is part of my “sidetracks” series, started in 2013 with “marimba sidetracks”. All pieces of this series … Read More


eden.eden, 2.7.2016, City-Nord-Park Hamburg performance for violin, computer, architectural object and dancers Live-Performance for violin solo and Max for Live based electronics. A video made with a head camera worn by of one of the dancers can be found here … Read More

kontra! sidetracks

composed and programmed by Martin von Frantzius, 2016 Ronald Vitzhum, double bass Recording of premiere with elements of rehearsal (sound only) – Meßmer Momentum, Hamburg Hafen City, 22.01.2016 kontra! sidetracks for double bass and computer is part of the composers’ … Read More

A Table

Pia Maria Martin, A Table, excerpt, stop motion film, 2 channel, Super 16 mm cameras. 5:32 minutes Edition of 5 + 1 A.P. The music for A Table was composed 2015 für violin, kitchen utensils, drums / effect instruments and … Read More

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