Welcome to the homepage of Martin von Frantzius, composer, violinist and music software developer.
Please explore the works / media section.
- In the making unstillbar.2 for String Quartet and Live-Electronics. The premiere will take place on 19 March 2025 in Munich. The Asasello Quartett will play works by me, Glass and Fritsch. 19.03.2025, Bayerische Akademie der Schönen Künste, München
- Winter term 2021/22: Seminar Ableton Live / Max for Live @Musikhochschule Lübeck
- April 2021: Release of Pure Piano in Apples App Store. A great sounding concert grand for your pocket!
- Summer term 2021: Seminar Ableton Live / Max for Live @Musikhochschule Lübeck
- Winter term 2020/21: Seminar Ableton Live / Max for Live @Musikhochschule Lübeck
- March 2020: Release of FlexGroove in the Ableton Shop. A Max for Live device for full microtiming control! Check it out!
- Winter term 2019/20: Seminar Microtonality & Multichannel Audio with Ableton Live and Max for Live @Musickhochschule Lübeck
- Virtual Organ at Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe Hamburg (Exhebition “Manufaktur des Klangs” ends november, 3rd)
- Summer term 2019: seminar Generative algorithmische Prozesse mit Max for Live zur Erzeugung von MIDI- und Audiomaterial at Musikhochschule Lübeck
- December 2018 / January 2019: development of Play-Arp an online playable church organ for www.orgelstadt-hamburg.de
- Winter term 2018/19: seminar “Ableton Live / Max for Live” at Musikhochschule Lübeck
- October / November 2018 – Programming of Black Out Software for composer Alexander Schubert.
- unstillbar.1 for organ and saxophone (Soprano and Alto) will be premiered by Gunnar Eibich and Ueli Angstmann in Würenlos (Swiss) September 14th, 7 pm and in Hamburg October 17th, 6 pm.
- Summer term 2018: guest seminar “Max for Live” at Musikhochschule Lübeck
- My “Streichtrio” will be rehearsed and performed in the context of a class for contemporary music at Musikhochschule Münster. The concert will take place on July 28th 2017, 7:30 pm at Musikhochschule Münster.
- “violin sidetracks” was selected for performance on klingt gut! symposium Hamburg (June 2017). I will performe it there at Mediencampus Hamburg, Finkenau, “Produktions Labor” (Groundfloor), Saturday, 9th of June, 12:30 pm.
- Summer term 2017: guest seminar “Algorithmic Notation” at Musikhochschule Lübeck
- 10th of October 2016, 20:00, Hamburg, Stavenhagenhaus. Concert with multipercussionist Stefan Weinzierl as duo dockside experience. Amongst other pieces we play A Table. Free entrance!
- 31st of August 2016, 21:30, Hamburg, Kampnagel KMH. Performance of a new version of violin sidetracks at SMC 2016 in Hamburg. Tickets. Immediate beforehand (20:00) great composer and friend Alexander Schubert will present his works!
- 2nd of July 2016, 18:00, Hamburg, City Nord Park. EDEN.EDEN_ GARTEN DER LÜSTE C.N. [LANDSCAPE OF DESIRE]. Architectural Performance. Live-electronic improvisation.
- 22nd of January 2016, Hamburg Hafen City, Meßmer Momentum. Premiere of kontra sidetracks for doublebass and live-electronics.
Newest Content
Black Out Software for Alexander Schubert
‘Black Out Software’ was made for Alexander Schubert. It allows everyone (who owns a Mac or Max/MSP) to produce a score like Alexander Schuberts ‘Black Out BRD’. A midifile which is fed into the application, is kind of reversed, so … Read More
violin sidetracks – 3 minutes trailer
A short trailer for violin sidetracks for violin solo with kinect, lights and live-electronics. The base material for this video was kindly recorded at klingt gut! festival, Hamburg, 2016 by Bianca Peruzzi. Read More
violin sidetracks (version 2016)
Revised version June 2016, video recording of a rehearsal session. for violin, laptop, kinect camera and 5 DMX controled LED floodlights “violin sidetracks” is part of my “sidetracks” series, started in 2013 with “marimba sidetracks”. All pieces of this series … Read More